Feel Lit Alcohol Free
Join hosts Ruby Williams and Susan Larkin on their captivating podcast as they delve into the intricacies of their personal journeys with alcohol and celebrate the vibrancy of a life without it. With a blend of insightful answers to audience questions, engaging guest interviews, and a spotlight on the strategies they employ to maintain an exciting, alcohol-free lifestyle, each episode offers a dynamic exploration of the joys and benefits of living Lit without the influence of alcohol. Tune in, you might find yourself feeling lit!
Feel Lit Alcohol Free
Taking the Leap: Embracing Life Without Alcohol / EP 50
Welcome back to the Feel Lit Alcohol Free Podcast! In this exciting milestone episode, hosts Ruby and Susan delve into a topic that resonates with many in their community—the challenge of deciding to go alcohol free.
Inspired by the struggles shared within their private Facebook group, Ruby and Susan explore personal stories, strategies, and analogies that can help listeners make the pivotal decision to embrace an alcohol-free lifestyle. They discuss the importance of experimentation, curiosity, and the power of hope, and they emphasize how coaching and community support can make a significant difference.
Whether you’re just beginning to contemplate a change or you’re ready to dive in headfirst, this episode aims to instill confidence and inspire action on your path to a more fulfilling and empowered alcohol-free life. Join Ruby and Susan as they cheer you on and invite you to take the leap with them!
Join Our Feel 21 Program: Starting January 10th, we’re launching "Feel 21," a 21-day alcohol-free journey designed to support you with community, motivation, and expert guidance. It’s the perfect opportunity to kickstart your 2025 with clarity and empowerment!
🔗 Sign Up Now: https://www.freedomrenegadecoaching.com/buy-feel-lit-21-popup
Want to Feel Lit? Grab our FREE, fun Bingo Card with 21 Feel Lit activities shared on the podcast. Feeling Lit is about about self-care, and daily practices that support our alcohol-free lifestyle. https://feellitpodcast.com/Bingo
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Join our Feel Lit AF Facebook Community for amazing support and connection!
Susan Larkin Coaching https://www.susanlarkincoaching.com/
Ruby Williams at Freedom Renegade Coaching https://www.freedomrenegadecoaching.com/
Follow Susan: @drinklesswithsusan
Follow Ruby: @rubywilliamscoaching
It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to take a break from alcohol. The creators, hosts, and producers of the The Feel Lit Alcohol Free podcast are not healthcare practitioners and therefore do not give medical, or psychological advice nor do they intend for the podcast, any resource or communication on behalf of the podcast or otherwise to be a substitute for such.
Sick and tired of your love-hate relationship with wine?
Welcome to the feel it alcohol free podcast. Hi. I'm coach Ruby Williams. And I'm coach Susan Larkin. We are 2 former wine lovers turned alcohol freedom coaches exposing the lies about alcohol and giving you, our listeners, the tools to break free so you can feel lit. And when you're lit, you'll feel healthier, freer, and more in control of your life. So relax, kick back, and get ready to feel lit alcohol free. And don't forget, grab a copy of our wine free weekend guide after the show.
Ruby [00:00:01]:
Hello. Welcome back to the Feel It Alcohol Free podcast. So excited to kick off this. This is a topic that we're really excited to record. So we have a Facebook group, the Feel Lit Alcohol Free Facebook group. It's a private group, and several new members have commented that their biggest struggle is to “Take That Leap”, to make that decision to go alcohol free. So we really thought that was a great idea, and we wanna address this topic on this episode today. So we're gonna start with Susan.
Ruby [00:00:38]:
So, Susan, how did you decide to take the leap?
Susan [00:00:41]:
Well, I think this is a great topic. I think it's something people struggle with a lot. I know when I work with people 1 on 1, a lot of times what they tell me is I want to stop, but they don't want to. They want to want to. You know? And I get that. I get where they're at. I feel like I was in that same place for about a year, all of 2019, really. I was feeling that way.
Susan [00:01:03]:
And I saw a lot of people taking the plunge, and I thought, oh my gosh. That's so great for them. Why is this so hard for me? What's holding me back? You know? And I think it takes experimenting, and I think sometimes it does take time, and it does take your experience with being alcohol free and then your experience when you do sometimes drink and really being curious about it and taking the time to really think, you know, to see how you really feel in your life. And for me, one of the things that really spoke to me at one point in my journey when I did decide to take an extended break, June 1, 2020, It's about I don't know. I think it was about mid July. I realized that I was holding on to both worlds. It's a tactic from this naked mind that we talk about. But it really spoke to me that, like, I couldn't completely experience how an alcohol free life would be if I didn't go all in.
Susan [00:02:15]:
Like, a 100,000 percent all the way that I do things, which is every you know, my husband's always like, can you just do things at, like, 75%? And I'm like, no.
Susan [00:02:25]:
I have to do, like, instead of a 150, I'm like, have to show about a 100? You know? This is me negotiating with him. Like, I had to go all in 100%. Like, how great can life be alcohol free? I just wanna see. I needed to see how it would be because when you keep going back and forth, drinking and then stopping drinking and then drinking and stopping drinking, you never really get the full idea of what it will be like to really go all in. And so the analogy that I liked was this analogy of what I call garage living is that you can't get into the house, so the house represents an alcohol free lifestyle, you know, all in, if you're still holding onto the car door. It's like even if you wanna be the stretchiest Incredibles, the stretchy mom, you know, like, that's how I was. I was like, I'm not letting go completely, but I'm really trying to get in there, you know, and, like, taste and see if it's good in there before I really let go, and the thing is you can't. You will still be stuck in the garage.
Susan [00:03:26]:
You have to let go of the car door in order to get into the house and really experience what it's gonna be like. And I don't know, that just spoke to me, and I just realized, I gotta let go. I gotta let go. I gotta completely let go. And then there's that moment, and I even liken it to it. It's scary because there's that moment where you let go, but you're still not in the house yet, and you're stumbling around the garage trying to get into the house, and it's uncomfortable. But you cannot get into the house if you're still holding on to the car door. Right? So you're right.
Susan [00:03:57]:
Let go. You stumble around,
Ruby [00:04:00]:
and then you get into the house.
Susan [00:04:01]:
And then you start to really feel what it will be like to to really live an alcohol free lifestyle. So that's the analogy that really worked for me because I realized, wow, I have been living in the garage for a really long time. And even though it's familiar, it's stinky and gross, and I don't wanna be here anymore. Yeah. So yeah.
Ruby [00:04:26]:
Yeah. Oh, I really relate to that. I tend to use the analogy of, like, holding on to, like, a big, heavy backpack of, like, rocks too. Like, you kinda have to let some things go. For me, I was just thinking you know, we were thinking about this as we were planning this episode, what we're gonna talk about. I probably knew I said this for 7 years. I was trying different things on my own, and I just kept getting farther and farther down that picture plan or, like, trying to get to some rock bottom. And I really, really don't like the term rock bottom because it's like I always wanna say, why wait? What are you waiting for? You know, something so drastic in your life that you maybe can't even come back to.
Ruby [00:05:16]:
I mean, why wait? But I wanna, like, say that I wanna give props to my cousin. Her name's Kristen. She, it was January 1st or the first couple days of January 2019, and she called me. And she's like, I think I'm going to get alcohol free, and I'm gonna try to figure this out. Will you take a leap with me? So I think a big part of this can be noticing other people wanting to take this leap, maybe even doing it with a best friend or a cousin or somebody, if you can talk about this. It's such a taboo topic, though. We don't, we aren't talking about it. So but sometimes your very best friends, especially if they're drinking the same as you, you know, they may be in the same boat as you where you're waking up every night, beating yourself up, that kind of situation where you're not sleeping really well.
Ruby [00:06:14]:
And the other question that I asked myself so I was like, why wait? That was that, that's the one thing. Like, why wait for rock bottom? It's one of my kind questions to ask myself to sleep. And the other one is, am I living up to my full potential? That really resonated. Like that question, I kept saying to myself, I'm just not living up to my potential in so many areas. Weight gain, exercise. You know, I always wanted to, like, take more classes or start a business or do something else in my career and find that I wanna get married again or find a life part. Like, none of these things were happening if I'm just drinking and laying on the couch, you know, and not doing Right. As much as I wanna be doing.
Ruby [00:06:59]:
So I don't know if that resonates for you guys that are listening. Like, ask yourself, why wait, you know, from for for something? And then are you living up to your full potential? And the next thing I can say about this, you know, how do you then, like, make a decision or take that leap? And I think it requires some hope. I really do. I think hope is just a little inkling of hope. If you have no hope, and it's all doubt or all fear, and there's no, like, a little bit of excitement, that's where I I, like I think hope is, like, a superpower, and I'm very hopeful for every single one of my clients. I literally can see the potential. I see the potential in them. And that's what I think is so great about being a coach.
Ruby [00:07:49]:
I don't know if you agree, Susan, but that we can see the potential. We can see it in you. We can totally be your cheerleader. We can be your motivator. We could be your accountability person and get you to turn around your thoughts so they're more hopeful. And how you can do that is by seeing other people get alcohol free. And I think, you know, if I could do it, you could do it. Like, I really believe that.
Ruby [00:08:14]:
If I can do it, I drink 2 to 3 bottles of wine a night. Like, if I can do it, you can do it. I swear, you can do that. There's I mean, you totally can. So it's about taking action, stepping outside of your comfort zone. And if you like the word challenge, you know, like, maybe it's just like a 30 day challenge. And it doesn't mean you have to be perfect either. I love what Susan was saying, like, experiment.
Ruby [00:08:38]:
But sometimes challenge is a word that would work for me. When I say, like, I'm gonna do a walking challenge. I like to do it. You know? I don't know. I try really hard. So those are a few things that we can talk more about. But what what else do you think, Susan, you know, to take
Susan [00:08:53]:
That leap? Yeah. I love what you mentioned about hope and how coaches hold this sort of hopeful space for you. We see things in you, the potential in you, and we try to ask the right questions to pull out the wisdom in you and the and also uncover the hidden things that are keeping you stuck. When get all that garbage out of the way. And then it's like, okay. What is there that you know now about yourself? You know what I mean? When those things are out of the way and the shame and the blame and the and the little black cloud that alcohol was, you know, that keeps you down, that at least that I felt like, like pig pen, that I was going around with this little black cloud around me of, you know, of shame and blame or from alcohol. And, you know, it's a depressant, so it keeps you down too. You just can't, like you said, live up to your full potential or sometimes feel like you can think straight.
Susan [00:09:48]:
Right? So it takes a little bit of time to kind of uncover all those things. And like you said, it's progress, not perfection. And I just think that taking that step of, like, okay. I'm doing this for me, believing in yourself. I don't know. That's it's magical. I feel like that when you just make that choice versus letting, like, it happen to you, you know, like, this whole idea of waiting for rock bottom is, like, waiting for something to happen to you that then makes you have to make a decision versus you choosing to activate this inside of you for this, you know, this want power, this I want this, I wanna try this, I wanna experience all that this has to offer. Because, honestly, you can go back to drinking, and it's gonna be around.
Susan [00:10:39]:
Right? So I always say, why not go all in? Go all in, and in the event, if you decide you wanna go back to drinking, okay. But it's like you won't know unless you really go all in, right, and see what that and gain that experience and then see, can I achieve more than I thought I ever could alcohol free? Is my life better alcohol free? Do I feel better? How do I feel about myself? Are my relationships better? It's not like a magic bullet, but I feel like just being alcohol free doesn't, like, solve all your problems, but it gives you the ability and the resilience and the ability to solve your own problems, which is so empowering. Mhmm. And so, I just think that making that choice versus the activating versus the passive. Right? It just activates something in the universe. You know? If you say universe. I say God. I just feel like God comes along behind you.
Susan [00:11:34]:
We talk about this idea of a moving walkway. It's like you step on, like, at the airport when you step on the moving walkway, and you're just going a lot faster than everyone else or or that song. I don't know. I'm totally dating myself, but the wind beneath your wings, you know what I mean, where you just feel like, oh, I hit a tailwind, and now I'm soaring. You know? It just gives you it just in my opinion, you yeah. You used to activate something magical in the universe or with God, I would say, to propel you forward. And then you and then it's taste and see. Like, see what it's like.
Susan [00:12:10]:
You know? Really give it a 1000% try. You know? And most, I would say I don't know anyone who's just been like, it's okay. You know, once they go all in, usually, almost everybody I I don't think I've ever talked to anybody who's like, no. It wasn't for me. Everyone's like, no. It's amazing. And that's Yeah. But you don't know.
Susan [00:12:31]:
It's like being in the garage and hearing everyone in the house going, come on in. It's amazing. And you're in the garage going, I don't know. I don't really believe it, but you're not gonna know unless you let go of the car door and leave the garage. You know what I mean? You cannot find out if you stay in the garage. So, yeah.
Ruby [00:12:48]:
What I did as part of my story was I did a challenge, like an experiment or a challenge. You know, again, you can use a different word, whatever resonates with you. At first, I did more of a challenge, right, where I was very, like, I'm going to stop and see what it's like, and I just kinda white knuckled it. And, excuse me, I was trying to do a 30 day challenge, and I got to about 17 out of 30 days. But let me tell you, I couldn't believe how that was a huge success. Huge success. I didn't do 100%, but I knew that's how I wanted to live. Like, I felt so much better.
Ruby [00:13:29]:
Even with just a couple weeks alcohol free, I just was sleeping better. I was waking up with more energy. I started to feel, like, different feelings, feelings of joy and gratitude and let 's just feel the feeling I love. That's why we named her again, her podcast Feel Lit, but I started to feel lit even in just a matter of weeks. And then I said, okay. I wanna get to 30. I wanna really get to 30 days. You know? And, I treated it like a newborn baby. And I like this, okay.
Ruby [00:14:05]:
If I had a newborn baby, you know, I would probably go to bed early. I'd sleep a lot. I might take baths every night, to make sure he's eating. You know? Well, I'm not gonna take my newborn baby to a bar. I'm not gonna take my newborn baby right away, you know, out, you know, with my drinking friends, for example. So I made my decisions to really protect my newborn baby, which was my alcohol free journey. And that also resonates with me. And so what did I do? I knew I could do anything for 24 hours, and I just kept one day at a time.
Ruby [00:14:40]:
You know? And I just kept building on that. And then I did finally get to 30 days. And then I'm like, well, what's 60 days gonna be like? And then I'm like, well, maybe when I get to 90 days or a 100 days, I can I'm like, I'm reset. But then when I got to 90 or a 100 days, I was like, well, well, I feel so much better, even more better. Now I'm losing weight and just all the different benefits we're compiling and growing, and they kinda grow exponentially, like a little seed that plants into a huge tree. It's how this alcohol free journey is. We're trying to paint these pictures for you because we want to instill a little hope. But there is a decision to make here.
Ruby [00:15:21]:
You do actually have to, like, take this leap and and and give it a try at some point. Yeah.
Susan [00:15:29]:
Yeah. And I realize we're talking about this in December, and people are like, what are you talking about? It's December. We got Christmas. We got everything. And so it can be like, we've talked about before, it can be a great place to start. It can be a great place to experiment even to start in December going, well, I'm gonna go to this Christmas party or holiday party not drinking and see what it's like, and then I'm gonna go to 1 and drink and see what it's like and compare and contrast and just be curious and experiment. And then a great time to take a leap is in January
Ruby [00:16:01]:
Susan [00:16:01]:
Because so many people are doing dry January. So it's almost like you get a get out of jail free card. Right?
Ruby [00:16:06]:
Because you can go out. You can go
Susan [00:16:08]:
to restaurants and just tell people you're doing dry January, and everybody just nods along like, oh, okay. And, like, restaurants even have specials and stuff like that. So just socially, it's almost easier to start your journey in January and just see, you know, do a challenge with, you know, 100 of thousands of other people.
Ruby [00:16:28]:
It’s a secret. I'm going to let the secret out of the bag.
Susan [00:16:32]:
We are gonna do. Yeah.
Ruby [00:16:34]:
I want to say something, because I want you guys that are listening right now, put it on your calendar. We are calling it feel at 21. So we are actually starting on 10th January. Why is that? Because we feel like maybe I don't know. You just have the holidays and everything, it's just a lot. And so we can start to just get curious the 1st week of January, and then we are having a 21 day program. We'd love for you to join. Because it'll be a community.
Ruby [00:17:06]:
And the community is what's big, actually, because then you don't feel so alone.
Susan [00:17:11]:
And yes. And hearing other people's experiences, hearing the similarities, hearing other people's struggles, hearing those similarities, it just helps you know you're not alone.
Ruby [00:17:22]:
Susan [00:17:23]:
I don't know. What I see constantly is so many shared experiences, and we're all such different people, but guess what the common denominator is? Alcohol. Alcohol works in our bodies and brains and our lives with the havoc it wreaks in similar ways in so many people. And so it just speaks again to the fact that it's not a personal problem. It's a substance problem, and that substance is alcohol. And it's addictive to everyone or anyone.
Ruby [00:17:56]:
It can be addictive to anyone, and it's not your fault if you've tipped that scale. You know? It's it's a it's a it's not it's a spectrum. It's a con almost a continuum. It does go faster and faster and faster as your tolerance increases, but it's not your fault. It is not your fault. I hope I can repeat that a 1000000 times because I know that I was doing the best I could with the tools that I had, and it was alcohol that was my coping tool for stress and all kinds of things. And I know that you're doing the best you can, and you just are using alcohol as that, like, duct tape to life. So we'd love for you to join our Feel 21 program.
Ruby [00:18:42]:
Susan [00:18:42]:
And invite a friend. It's great for people just curious because we were trying to make it really accessible in 21 days. And if you've struggled back and forth, it's a great place to take the leap. And then after 21 days, like Ruby did, well, what would another 21 be? And then what would another 21? And then, of course, it's always progress, not perfection. So you drink. We call those data points because we wanna get the data out of the data point and see, okay, what happened there? There's a stronghold there. There's a belief there. There's a you know you know, we think we value alcohol to help us in this way.
Susan [00:19:21]:
And it's like, okay. Well, I need a new tool for that. If this is the job I'm giving alcohol to and I wanna fire it from that job, then we don't wanna leave a void. We wanna have a resource. So that's how you find out all the jobs you've given alcohol. Like, sometimes we think we know, and then, you know, we find out there's all kinds of other ones Yeah. As we go through our life. And it just is 1 you know, just getting curious, experimenting, and being willing to have a growth mindset, being willing to grow and learn and change and not worry about forever, but just say, I'm all in.
Susan [00:19:57]:
I wanna see what this is like. I wanna see what everybody in the house is talking about.
Ruby [00:20:02]:
Yeah. And there is so much hope. I wanna go back to the hope piece because that can get you to take the leap. If you believe that just or both, like, curiosity. Like, I'm curious to what alcohol free, you know, lifestyle is like and or what's it like to be 2 weeks alcohol free or 21 days or or and then that hope piece where you can have that mindset of, I can do this. You know? Others have done it. I can do it. And instead, I've always failed.
Ruby [00:20:32]:
You know, I hear that a lot from a lot of my you know, I failed in the past. Why do you think this is gonna work? Because it's different, and it's good. It's about mindset. It's what we do in our programs. So I would just love for you to take the leap. Dip that toe in the pool first.
Susan [00:20:50]:
You might wanna just dip your toe. Yeah. Dip and then let's do, let's all do cannonballs.
Ruby [00:20:55]:
You know? Let's dip that. Yeah. We dip our toe maybe for an alcohol free weekend, and we have a guide for that. And then you go, yeah. I love that cannonball. Cannonball. Yeah. Or the high dive.
Ruby [00:21:08]:
Right? You're gonna do the High dive. The high dive.
Susan [00:21:12]:
That's probably what it feels like. I know it does. You're just I know. That's exactly how it feels. There's actually a video of myself when I was in Hawaii. There's this thing called the mermaid hole near where my cousin lives, and this is on the big island in this and it's this big it's all these rocks surrounding this, like, swimming hole, and they're pretty high up, and then you jump into the water. Right? So they've done it one million times, so they get us all scramble up there, and then they jump and they jump, and I'm standing there going, looking down, and, like and and there's this video of me. I sit back down, and then I kinda get up, and I look over, and then I kinda pull back, and then I pull forward, and I pull back, and they're like, just jump.
Susan [00:21:55]:
And then, you know, but I was, like, scared, so I got it. It's just, like, taking that plunge. It is like, okay. And then once you do it once and you're in the water, it's like, oh, that was so fun, and this was fine, and I'm still alive. And you
Ruby [00:22:08]:
can always get back. It's called stepping outside of your comfort zone, right, where you dive off the high dive, you know, what Susan was saying. But you can always climb back out the ladder, out of the pool, out of the, you know, the lake, and take a breather. Maybe you have data points again, and you can go back in. You can do the next time, it might be the cannibal where you run and have a big smile on your face. And and because you know that this alcohol free living is so amazing, you start getting the
Susan [00:22:39]:
you really want and that you really want.
Ruby [00:22:42]:
Yeah. The question to ask yourself is, how do I want to feel? Mhmm. That is the question. It's not about the behavior so much as how you want to feel your emotions.
Susan [00:22:55]:
And in your life, in everything. And again, it's not perfect. And, yeah, sometimes we quit drinking, and then we realize all the things we were drinking over, and we have to deal with those things. Right?
Ruby [00:23:07]:
Susan [00:23:07]:
But then our life overall, once we start working on those things, is overall better, and we feel better as we're working on those things. So I guess the word resilience, I think I used that word before, comes to mind and empowerment. You just start to realize I can do anything without needing a drink and how, wow, how powerful that is. Yeah.
Ruby [00:23:30]:
It's all about empowering. Mhmm.
Susan [00:23:33]:
Yeah. It's very disempowering to think, oh, I can't handle this unless I have alcohol. Mhmm. Like yeah. I mean and I felt that way. So I definitely did. And I get it. It's like, you know, it's definitely a mindset shift, but it takes that experimenting.
Susan [00:23:52]:
It takes going all in, cannonball, hopping it, you know, jump in the pool, jump out into the mermaid hole with me and and with Ruby, and we'll be here right here with you.
Ruby [00:24:05]:
You can jump in and make the leap and also then go back. What I'm saying is you can go back again and kinda then maybe, experiment again. Just like Susan was saying, have 1 holiday party alcohol free, 1 holiday party drinking, and compare and just go in and out. And it's a journey. Really, the joy is in the journey. I love that phrase too because this is a whole journey. Well, this is a good time to segue. Susan, my favorite one of my favorite parts of the whole episode is to ask, what do you do to feel it alcohol free? What are you doing right now?
Susan [00:24:41]:
I started using this phrase, and I've actually been giving it also to my clients, and it seems to be working. Because a lot of times, we just get so down on ourselves, and that was another reason why I would drink too if I get really down on myself, and then it'd just be like, why bother? Or I would just be so frustrated, and I just wanna feel better because I would, you know, be beating myself up. And so if I feel like I'm making a mistake or I'm starting to just feel, I don't know, down about something, I'm acknowledging it. Like, okay. I wish I could have had a better done better in that conversation with my son, and I still love and accept myself. Mhmm. And I got this from tapping. Right? When we go through the tapping, we acknowledge how we feel and then the phrase is, you know, I'm feeling this way, and I still love and accept myself.
Susan [00:25:34]:
And then we go through the tapping. And I'm done. I've just started just saying, you know, I'm having a really rough morning, and I'm so unorganized. And, oh, I should have done da da da da da by now, and I still love and accept myself. So it can be both and. It can be, I think I wish I could've done this better, and I still love and accept myself. It's that self compassion. It's this, you know, it's even though, nevertheless, you know, it sort of breaks that black and white thinking up, like everything's black, you know? Mhmm.
Susan [00:26:06]:
Or everything's good or everything's bad. It's sort of like, this could've been better, and I still love myself. Loving myself.
Ruby [00:26:12]:
I love that. Yeah. I'm gonna adopt that for the next couple weeks and, like, practice it and see how it goes. What I do, which is similar, is more like, I'll just if I'm feeling anxious about something, I'll just be like, I'm loved. I'm safe. I'm okay. And I'll just repeat that. So it's kinda similar, but I love it.
Ruby [00:26:31]:
I love and accept myself. Beautiful. Yeah.
Susan [00:26:35]:
Yeah. It's the 1st perfectionist that beats ourselves up a lot. It's pretty, it's sometimes even hard. Like, you start to, like, beat yourself up and go, you know, like, oh, Susan, you
Ruby [00:26:45]:
should've done, and it's like, and I still
Susan [00:26:49]:
but it's magical because it really does change.
Ruby [00:26:52]:
Just calm you. Yeah.
Susan [00:26:54]:
It changes the dynamic of that beating yourself up. And it gives you immediate relief in some ways. And so that also if you're if you still drink over those things, it really does help you not to feel like you need a drink for that relief because you're giving yourself that self compassion. So
Ruby [00:27:15]:
Yeah. Awesome. Well, I hope this helps our listeners who are on the fence and not quite ready to take that big leap or, you know, do the cannonball.
Ruby [00:27:28]:
Yes. We would love to see you in our program and our Facebook group. So Mhmm. Join the Facebook group for sure because that's where you're gonna find out lots of information about what's going on, what we're doing. And, so we'd love to see you there. We're having lots of fun in the Facebook group as well. Well, thank you for listening.
Ruby [00:27:47]:
Alright. Bye.
Susan [00:27:47]:
Bye bye.